
Summary of macbeth
Summary of macbeth

summary of macbeth

The Witches hail Macbeth with “Thane of Glamis!” “Thane of Cawdor!” “that shalt be King hereafter.” They predict that Banquo will not be king, but that his heirs will be kings. Returning from battle, Macbeth and Banquo, generals of Duncan’s army, pass a heath on which three Witches (Weird Sisters) are involved in some eerie rituals and chants. At Duncan’s camp, a bleeding Sergeant reports to the king that Macbeth has heroically slain the rebel Macdonwald and that the Thane of Cawdor has betrayed the country (thanes were feudal lords).ĭuncan sentences Cawdor to death for treason, and orders that his title be given to Macbeth. Scotland, under the leadership of King Duncan, has just repelled an invasion by the Norwegian army. Macbeth Book SummaryĪ Scottish general’s ambition to be king plunges him into murder, villainy, and catastrophe. The later plays, the great tragedies-Hamlet, Othello, King Lear, and Macbeth-are pessimistic, cynical, and reflect the decadence and political corruption of the Elizabethan and Jacobean court. His early plays reflect the optimism and exuberant spirit of an England just coming into its own as a world power. Shakespeare wrote all types of plays-tragedies, comedies, romances, and historical dramas-for popular theatre. His career as a playwright, poet, actor and theatre shareholder in London lasted from the early 1590s until 1612. 1564–1616) was born at Stratford-upon-Avon, England. “More is thy due than more than all can pay.” Who is The Author of Macbeth? One of our favourite quotes from Macbeth is: Shakespeare’s most famous and influential work is, to this day, this shocking tragedy: a warning to those who seek power for its own sake.

summary of macbeth

They spiral into paranoia, tyranny, madness, and murder as they see the prophecy through to its bloody end. Although initially sceptical, he is pushed on by Lady Macbeth’s ruthless ambitions, who suffer no doubt from her husband.

summary of macbeth

A brave and respected general named Macbeth meets three witches who foretell that he will become king of Scotland one night on the heath.

Summary of macbeth